The MMD Group of Companies

MMD is a worldwide organisation with sales and servicing on six continents. First established as a privately owned group in 1978, MMD was assisted by a small number of committed individuals who contributed greatly to its success today.

MMD are designers and manufacturers of material processing equipment that is used all over the world in many types of surfaces and underground mining operations. In particular the company has extended the technology of mineral reduction by the development of low profile, high capacity, compact sizing machines.

Persistance is key to MMD's success and it is for this reason that MMD has now arguably become the world leader in mineral sizing technology. MMD identifies and finds solutions to problems and continually improves and develops both existing and new products.

MMD cares for their customers and over the years have created a very special relationship with many of them, resulting in long lasting and mutually rewarding undertakings on numerous projects.

Geographically, the group of MMD companies is strategically located throughout the world in order to serve the international mining scene and offer quick response to your mineral sizing needs.